
Fire Safety in Kitchen

Every year, the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office publish a yearly (month-by-month and weekly) Fire Prevention & Education Training Guide to raise awareness of key fire safety messages.  The theme this year is “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen.”   To support this, each month has a specific theme to help educate with each week 

The purpose of this document is to provide a monthly public fire education program as a guide for SFMO fire prevention activities. This plan is anticipated to help in the fight to reduce and prevent fire related fatalities that occur each year in our state.The purpose of Fire Prevention Week is to bring awareness to the risk of death in case of a fire and provide educational resources to people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic status in order to keep everyone safe.

Fire Prevention Resources for July

Week 1 - Excape Planning/"Close The Door!"
Week 2 - Smoke Alarm Tips
Week 3 - Stop, Drop, Cover & Roll
Week 4 - Matches & Lighters